Fast Talker

A complete solution for communication and independence

Fast Talker has everything you need to communicate, keep in touch with friends and family, and stay connected with the world. You’ll also find tools for controlling your home and computer – using any access method.

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Fast Talker is designed to help you live a more independent life. It is easy to edit and personalise. Find tools for text communication, message banking, SMS, email, browsing the web, and environment control. Fast Talker also includes quick access to a range of accessible apps including Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Spotify.

Available in two sizes to suit different access requirements
Accessible Apps for fast communication, message banking, SMS, email, web browsing
Fast communication using powerful text prediction, quick phrases, and chat history

Available in two sizes

See how it works

Fast communication

Powerful SwiftKey prediction tools help you increase your rate of communication and get your message across efficiently. Store premade phrases that you can quickly speak without typing. If you have speech you can use message banking to capture phrases in your own voice.

Chat history

Everything you say is remembered in Fast Talker and can be spoken again in just a few selections. Your chat history will suggest messages based on when and where you last said something. Just start typing the keyword in your sentence, and related messages will appear.

Private mode

Your information belongs to you. Want more control over which messages are remembered? Simply turn on private mode to keep your messages from appearing. You can also remove phrases from directly chat history.

Control your home

Our Environment Control tools can help you use the devices around your home – from your TV and HiFi, to your lights, windows, curtains and doors. You will need an AAC device like a Grid Pad to use this feature.

Stay connected

Fast Talker can help you keep in touch with friends and family, and stay connected to the wider world. You’ll find simplified apps for sending emails and text messages, using social media and browsing the web – with clear cells to help you navigate them.

Access your computer

Take full control of all Windows software, with pinpoint accuracy. Using zoom to click, you’ll be able to focus in on the part of the screen you want to interact with.

Available in Grid

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